John Bell
John Bell is a diplomat and mediator who has worked for over 30 years on Middle East politics with the Canadian Government, the United Nations and several International mediation and peace building organizations. He is the author of the book, How to Tame the Political Animal: The Missing Piece.

Ivan Tyrrell
Director of Strategy
Ivan Tyrrell is an author and the Director of Human Givens College. He is co-writer with Joseph Griffin of Human Givens: A New Approach to Emotional Health and Clear Thinking and Godhead: The Brain’s Big Bang as well as other groundbreaking titles and monographs on mental health and psychotherapy.

John Zada
Director of Communications
John Zada is an author, photographer and journalist with an interest in politics, psychology and culture. He’s lived and travelled extensively in the Middle East and has produced work for the Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, CBC.ca, Al Jazeera English, BBC online, Al Arabiya, Outpost, Explore, Maisonneuve, and The Literary Review of Canada.

Charlotte Mounier
Guild Manager
Charlotte Mounier works in the Middle East as a project manager on violence prevention and peace promotion. She notably participated in the launch of three conflict transformation processes in Iraq, which aimed at supporting reconciliation and promoting social cohesion. Prior to her work in Iraq, Charlotte contributed to different mediation-based projects in Tunisia and the Gulf region.
Anthony Thomson
Product Design Specialist
Anthony Thomson provides design support for The Conciliators Guild. His creative savvy and problem-solving skills were crucial in the design and construction of The Table of Political Elements.

Emilie La Cour
Emilie is pursuing an M.A. Security Studies at Georgetown University with a focus on the nexus between climate and security. She has worked in both the public and private security sectors in Denmark and has experience with public diplomacy in Israel.