Current Initiatives
Initiatives that put the ideas into action in innovative ways on important, current international challenges
A New Way to Resolve Conflicts in the Middle East: Mutual Needs Satisfaction
The Middle East is a region where the various conflicts interconnect and feed off each other. In order stabilise the region properly, conflict resolution needs to look at the region as a whole, not fragments, and address the core needs of the key parties, not the symptoms.
The Conciliators Guild has done a mapping of these core needs, their connections and the implications for diplomacy and mediation (and is advocating this with relevant actors).
This approach is currently being implemented in active mediation processes.
For more information, please contact John Bell at
The Table of Political Elements
The Conciliators Guild has created the Table of Political Elements, bringing together the building blocks that make up our political world. The political elements link and combine with each to create more complex elements or dynamics.
The Table of Political Elements is an invaluable and interactive reference tool for research, political analysis, and writing essays and reports. Users can explore the political universe and its surprising interrelationships.
Navigating the Dangers of "Tribalism"
The Conciliators Guild is pursuing an initiative to increase knowledge about the causes and dangers of "tribalism" - a strong identification with or loyalty to a particular cultural and social group. This will involve bringing together experts on this issue (social scientists, artists, and otherwise) with policy makers to investigate this gap in policy development, and begin a process of developing answers.
A greater understanding of this basic, yet volatile, aspect of our nature, will diminish the likelihood of ethnic, religious and ideological conflict, and increase the potential for pluralism and tolerance in societies.